Aafiyah Healing Practitioner's Journey

Ummyra Hussain


How Afiyah Healing helped me face my struggles


I worked in the highly rewarding and equally stressful Early Years sector for over a decade. In my mid 20s I started experiencing excruciating pain, fatigue, brain fog and low mood which worsened over the years. Some months I’d feel great and then I would crash. Eventually my dr told me it seems I may be suffering with fibromyalgia. I began trying to manage my symptoms best I could- taking plenty of time off work, weekly massages and homoeopathy. These strategies gave short term comfort but did not heal my issue.

I then came across the theory (through Aafiyah Healing) that the root cause of 95% of physical symptoms is an emotion.

I decided to sign up for the 2 day intensive Aafiyah Healing workshop, and that's when I embarked on my healing journey. A journey with ever so many ups and downs but within a year I was completely pain free! No more expensive weekly massages or homoeopathy appointments alhamdulillah.

I began to notice what triggered me and what past experience these feelings were coming from. I learnt to take responsibility for all my feelings and to work through them independently and with the help of fellow Aafiyah practitioners.

I then went on to use the techniques I was taught to support my family, friends and colleagues (and anyone that came my way with a problem).

This was the beginning of a new journey, a journey I'm most grateful for.
Over time I noticed the life changing effects of the Aafiyah Healing techniques and decided to work towards becoming an Aafiyah Healing practitioner – here I am today helping Muslim women around the world be successful!

Positive changes I made:

  • Better opinion of Allah (most loving rather than the one who will punish)
  • More reliance on Allah and self than others
  • Reading daily adhkaar morning and evening
  • Energising food and water daily through prayer
  • Feel much more content Alhamdulilah
  • Using the healing techniques successfully on self and others- even at work with the children and colleagues
  • Better opinion of myself and others
  • Kind inner voice
  • I smile more!
  • Lost 5kg in weight without much diet change so it was stress weight I believe
  • Reduced therapy costs
  • Better boundary setting. I can say NO!
  • Recognized and re-established unhealthy attachments
  • More fulfilling/balanced relationships
  • Can be with myself without feeling alone.
  • Debt free
  • Letting go instead of fixing and controlling.
  • Less people pleasing.
  • Less need for validation

Improvements my friends, family and colleagues noticed

I don’t see or speak with you as often, but I notice your language is positive and your ability to do what’s needed for YOU.
M.K – cousin

I think you’ve changed your focus; you focus on yourself now and how you can overcome your hurdles of the past, present and future by looking within.
N.H – friend of 14 years

You are more content and accepting of situations, you don’t rush to rescue or fix things and you’re clearer of your own needs and boundaries.
R.H friend of 7 years

I feel like you rely on Allah more, before it was like you rely on yourself. And I think you’re a lot stronger now.
M.K- colleague of 5 years

You seem jollier, I’ve noticed you’re more empathic. You are more realistic in your work goals, you don’t overwork like before. You're a good listener.
C.K colleague of 3 years

It seems your stance on your trauma has changed, you’ve taken the role of observer recently. Trauma therapist

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