Aafiyah Healing Practitioner's Journey

Sorayya Khan


My Journey to Aafiyah Healing


My journey to Aafiyah Healing began about 7 years ago when I was introduced to this modality through my sister in Johannesburg, to a practitioner who helped me overcome the initial stress and fatigue of an eighteen hour journey to perform the final rites for my mother. Immediately finding relief and comfort, I had the presence of mind throughout the sad yet necessary experience.


Over the years my interest in holistic health has grown through learning and practice, through receiving, of different healing modalities. These included yoga, Pilates, Alexander Technique, Kinesiology, Body Talk, cranio-sacral therapy, Jin Shin Jyutsu, acupressure, acupuncture, reflexology and chiropractic treatment.  Every one of them has benefitted me in different ways. I was, however, keen to find a modality that would embrace both faith and practical application. This I found in Aafiyah Healing.


Through introductory sessions, delivered most amiably, effectively and respectfully by Zuhair Girach, I pursued the journey with the Aafiyah Healing Workshops and the Deep Trauma Release Masterclass, online through Zoom, during the lockdown of 2020/21. Deeply engaging and highly stimulating, both have been transformative on a number of levels: increased confidence, decreased fear of failure, better communication, less 'sweating the small stuff', generally more joy in life and a deeper reliance on the Creator for the resolution of all matters.


It has been a hugely fulfilling, humbling experience for both personal satisfaction, and the thought that the majority of my clients have benefitted and felt shifts in their conditions and well-being. I am humbled for the trust that they placed in me and had confidence in my abilities. I have enjoyed the human interactions afforded by the clients, both through zoom, which was the most common medium, and in person. For most people, I was complete stranger, and for them to disclose their personal information is a source of amanah* that I respect and am grateful for.


*amanah is trust, responsibility, integrity and accountability.


The Aafiyah Healing family is one of strength, support, encouragement, without judgement, and has helped me cross the finish line to certify as an Aafiyah Healing Practitioner.


Some testimonials:

I thoroughly enjoyed the sessions of Aafiyah Healing with Sorayya. There was much laughter and some tears along the way, as I released some of the negative energy which had been stored inside me. Sorayya made me feel comfortable and she even offered to help my cat who had been bitten on the neck and was showing signs of anxiety. I found after the sessions that I have felt much more positive and have had a new spring to my step. I no longer feel stuck and have moved forwards in my life, compared to the feeling of being blocked before. I used to have a feeling of anxiety in my solar plexus which has now lifted Alhamdulillah. I highly recommend this therapy.

HW, UK, Jan 2022


Working with Sorayya has been transformational and I am eternally grateful for the experience. I have a new found understanding and appreciation for how my mind, body, thoughts, and emotions work together to shape my lived experience. The alignment sessions boosted my energy level while the emotional healing sessions reduced my mental chatter and centred me. The journey to self discovery and spiritual reawakening is at times awfully lonely but Sorayya’s warmth, patience, wisdom, and nurturing spirit has encouraged and fortified me. I am truly blessed to have Sorayya as my guide.

HAW, NYC, USA, Feb 2022


I didn’t know what to expect from the process but was pleasantly surprised with both the physical alignment session and the emotional journey Sorayya counselled. I found Sorayya exceptionally attentive and a good lead on both processes.

I suffer from recurring pain due to an injury, and my experience with the physical process of alignment left me in far less pain. Positive conditioning with Sorayya during the emotional healing process was exceptionally rewarding. Revisiting the concerns guides one to confront and let go of the unseen burdens and the soothing nature with which Sorayya practices coupled with her professionalism really does leave a lasting impression and a lighter heart.

ME, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2022


To unburden yourself of past trauma, enjoy the present and forge ahead with renewed confidence, joy, purpose and heal from within with easy-to-apply tools, contact me for an initial chat and taster session.

Mob: +44 7732 844693

Email: [email protected]

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