Aafiyah Healing Practitioner's Journey

Zarita Mahomed



By qualification I am a Graphic Artist, the concept of portraying and presenting things beautifully and perfectly was instilled in me from a young age. I had a vision of how everything and everyone around me needed to be. From when I was a child, I always claimed to be a very sensible, wise for my age and a down to earth person. Growing up, I was confident and very much an extrovert, loving my ability to be creative and sharing it with people.

However, with time came a new reality. Expanding my horizons brought with it new relationships and demands that I had not dealt with before. The new reality meant that things were not always going to be beautiful and perfect, the way I envisioned. People around me were not going to be as loving and supportive as I was used to. Everything I stood for and loved about myself was now questionable! In this reality, not only was I unable to control the changes in my surroundings but also my own emotions! My confidence and worth was being challenged, not only by others but by myself too. The light was dimming inside of me. I had brought many built-in beliefs from my past, which did not match the life I was now living. The biggest reality I faced was coming to terms with the fact that my own expectations for my life was actually creating my biggest challenge. The fact that I had fanaticized my whole future and it was spiraling to a crash right in front of my eyes and I didn’t know how to save myself and felt completely hopeless and overwhelmed, took a huge toll on my body and it started breaking down.


In 2009 I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia but had been suffering with severe pain and depression for many years before that. I was put on strong medication to reduce the symptoms but the truth was that the conventional medication actually made me feel worse.

With the will and permission of Allah (swt), in 2019, I was fortunate enough to participate in the the Aafiyah workshop with Brother Zuhair and I literally saw the Firbromyalgia leave my body. Coming to terms with my emotions, releasing the negative self-talk, facing my real “reality”, taking responsibility for my own well-being and constantly working on understanding my weaknesses, made me a much stronger person. My energy healing journey, was the beginning of a path that my creator had paved out for me. All the challenging experiences, made me empathetic to others around me and led me to this moment where I have a deep desire to help others.

My aim is to help as many ladies as I can to find emotional harmony and balance. Specifically, work with women who live with a lot of baggage. I want to help them shift from dis-ease, be it physical, emotional or phycological to a place of Peace and Self-Love through a process of new understanding, a new perspective on old issues and consequently a changed mindset so that they can experience life with positivity and fulfilment.


Knowing that there is light at the end of the tunnel and sharing that hope is what fuels my desire to help other women with similar energetic blocks.

I am based in Harare, Zimbabwe and work under the name of “Harmony & Balance”. I am Currently offering face to face inhouse sessions and online sessions via WhatsApp and Zoom.

WhatsApp: +263 772786166

Emai: [email protected]

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